Imagine that your home was:
Fresh air 24X7. No drafts or smells.
No chemicals, allergens, or pathogens.
Stable temperature and humidity. Resilient to power outages. Quiet.
80% more efficient
Low energy bills. Small or no heating/cooling equipment.
Recyclable materials with low embodied carbon. Low operational emissions.
Let’s make it happen
For those interested in creating healthier, more comfortable, more efficient, and more sustainable homes, Performance Home Club guides you to the right solution, the right contractors, and the right financing for your high performance home.
Who is Performance Home Club for?
Anyone who owns, manages, builds, or rents a home can benefit from taking steps towards a high performance home. Anyone who is interested in a healthier, more comfortable, more energy efficient, and more sustainable home. Performance Home Club guides you to the right solution, the right contractors, and the right financing for your high performance home.
What can Performance Home Club do for me?
Sign up to find out what we can do for you. Also, get anyone you know who owns or manages property to sign up and thus increase the demand in your area. Performance Home Club will be rolling out services across the US based on demand.
How will Performance Home Club make my home healthier?
A high performance home has stable temperatures and humidity levels thanks to air tightness and mega insulation. The air is always fresh and high quality due to controlled ventilation and humidity. high performance homes are quiet. Outside noise is reduced by the tight envelope and insulation. Indoor noise is reduced thanks to smaller mechanical equipment like air conditioners. When the power is out, a high performance home will retain its temperature much longer than a standard home.
Frequently asked
How will Performance Home Club make my home more comfortable?
A high performance home has stable temperatures and humidity levels thanks to air tightness and mega insulation. The air is always fresh and high quality due to controlled ventilation and humidity. High performance homes are quiet. Outside noise is reduced by the tight envelope and insulation. Indoor noise is reduced thanks to smaller mechanical equipment like air conditioners. When the power is out, a high performance home will retain its temperature much longer than a standard home.
How will Performance Home Club help save energy?
We guide you to increase the performance of your home so that it requires very little energy to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature and humidity. The high performance building envelope dramatically reduces the peaks and troughs of indoor temperature and humidity. Heating and cooling equipment can be smaller or even eliminated.
What about solar panels?
Much of the energy generated by solar panels goes towards heating and cooling. If you reduced the need for heating and cooling by 70%-90%, you could reduce the size of your solar installation. If you already have solar, you could power more of your high performance home or sell excess power to the grid.
How will Performance Home Club make my home more sustainable?
We recommend building materials that are sustainably sourced and manufactured close to your home, thus reducing their embodied carbon footprint. Materials should also be sustainably recyclable at the end of their life on your home. We also recommend sustainable and efficient building practices such as pre-manufactured and cut to size components that reduce construction site waste. This also reduces the on-site construction time and the associated disruption to you and your neighbors.
How will Performance Home Club reduce climate impact?
Buildings account for between 25 and 40 percent of global carbon emissions through their construction and operation. Performance Home Club's mission is to reduce that impact to less than 5% by making every building a high performance building. A high performance home can use up to 90% less energy than a standard home. That's 90% less CO2 every day for the life of the home. Using sustainable materials and building practices can further reduce the climate impact of home construction.
How much will it cost to build a new high performance home?
A newly built high performance home may cost 5%-10% more than a traditional home build. However, there are often subsidies and ongoing savings that more than pay for this difference.
How much will a high performance home upgrade cost?
The cost of any upgrade varies vastly depending on what you want done. The trick is to always choose high performance for any upgrade that you are required to do. For example, if you need to replace your roof, the difference between a standard roof and a high performance roof could be minimal. Often the subsidies will cover the initial cost premium. The long term savings will often pay for the entire project over 5-10 years. Your insurance may cover the upfront cost completely in certain circumstances.
Can I DIY my high performance upgrade?
Yes, there are many do-it-yourself high performance home upgrades that can be achieved depending on your skills. For example, adding attic insulation can be a matter of purchasing insulation bats and laying them carefully over existing insulation. Some projects like roof replacement or exterior wall insulation are probably better left to professionals. Be aware that some subsidies are only available if the work was done by registered professionals, so be sure to do some research if you are going that route.
Can I get financing for my high performance build or upgrade?
Yes! Performance Home Club can find you special financing that takes the high performance nature of your project into account. This can qualify you for a higher loan amount or provide better rates than traditional lenders can offer. This applies to home improvement loans or mortgage home loans.
Are there subsidies or other savings available?
Performance Home Club can help you find applicable savings and subsidies for your high performance home. Subsidies are available from federal, state, and local governments as well as insurance providers, utility companies, and other non-governmental organizations.
Where can I find building professionals to do my high performance project?
Performance Home Club can find professionals in your area who understand high performance materials and building techniques and practices.
Why is Performance Home Club a club?
We're all in this together and together we will solve the problem of climate change while making our lives healthier, less costly, and more comfortable. Performance Home Club members can share their knowledge and experiences and ask other members for help with their high performance projects.
did you know that trees provide shade and cooling as well as fresh oxygen for your home?